Everlasting D&D Campaign Attempt #99102
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Merchant Families

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Merchant Families Empty Merchant Families

Post  Di-Master Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:06 pm

Παρακάτω αναφέρονται οι μέχρι τώρα γνώσεις και απόψεις σας επί του εκάστοτε κριτηρίου.
Σε αυτές ενδέχεται να προστεθούν στοιχεία ή και να αλλάξουν με τη πορεία της ιστορίας.

Marquess of Ponta Delgada Criterion Prince Porthas of Saerloon
LN Alignment NG (?)
high Wealth huge
ale, gems Tradeoil, wine, silk
silver bar, weapons, lead ore Oligopoliessilver bar, weapons
jewelry Monopoliesmagic items
harsh Law Enforcement mediocre
central Taxes localized *
very harsh /medium Punishment/Fines mediocre / high
wife, daughter, granddaughter, grandsonMembers wife, mother, sister, sister, son, son, daughter,
top30 Sembia Rank top10
restricted Use of Magic mostly permitted

Past relations - gain knowledge nobility

* localized taxation: each province conducts its own tax collection and supplies the center (Saerloon) a certain amount per year.
central taxation: taxes are collected by the center (Marquess' Keep) and then distributed to the provinces as seen fit.

Posts : 152
Join date : 2010-08-30

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